Friday, December 28, 2007

Ta Daaaaa!

I'm finally sharing pictures of my new craft space/studio, or better known in my family as the MOM CAVE! I've been in my new space for about a month now, but I've been waiting on posting pictures so that my brother Jeff could finish a few more things that needed to be done, so it would look all nice and pretty. The picture up top is my favorite part of the room and the first thing you see when you walk in, I love all of the open shelves and how everything is right at my fingertips. The room is painted a soft color yellow, I wanted a warm color because I'm in the basement, the cabinets are white (I'm still waiting on the toe kick) and offer lots of storage for all of my stuff. The carpet is a warm cocoa color with a pin dot pattern and makes the room feel very cozy.

Its great to have a long counter top to be able to have room to spread out when I'm working. When I am working on something this room looks like a tornado hit.

To the left are shots of a couple of my drawers.....I don't just show my drawers to just anyone ya
know so consider yourself lucky, LOL.

Below is a picture of the opposite side of the room, you would see this if you walked into the room and looked to your right. I only have one chair because the room is pretty small and all I have to do is wheel from one side or the other.

The picture on the right is of my closet, were I store all of my stamps (other than my background stamps which are stored on the shelves above my counter) and any other stuff I don't know what to do with. I need to organize the bottom half of the closet (to make room for more stamps right?).

I just love my new space, its a dream come true and its all thanks to my sweet husband and my brothers for all of their hard work!


Anonymous said...

Oh wow!!! You are one lucky lady! I love your "cave"!!!! I really enjoy reading your blog!!!

Unknown said...

I have dreams of my own stamp room one day and it would look just as pretty as yours!!!!

Dawn Easton said...

Oh my word! This room is so dreamy!!! You lucky girl! LOL @ moms it!

Nancy Riley said...

WOW! Your new space is awesome! May you have hours and hours of creative time in your new space! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL studio!!!

Deb Wood said...

Holy cow, I am green with envy. This is amazing. I don't think I would create better projects, but I could sure be happy here, like forever!!

Amy said...

Oh Lynn...this is so awesome! You should feel like a queen now! Great new room!!!!

Katie Cotton said...

your space looks amazing! ~ Katie C

Janette said...

WOW and double wow that is one amazing crafting space lucky you
Janette x

Lynn Mercurio said...

Holy cow...I can only hope to have a beautiful craft space like this one day. TFS

Kim said...

Lynn, what a beautiful room! Wow all that counter space and I love your shelves and your magnet boards! Kim

Kim's Life said...

Love it!!!! My dream would be to have a stamp collection & a mom cave like yours!!!! Lucky Lucky Girl!

Dawn Wheeler said...

Oh wow how green am i ,your room is fabulous ,you are so lucky ,Dawnxx

(tinxmagic) Laura said...

There is absolutely NOTHING "cave-like" in this space!!! I LOVE IT AND I AM SOOO ENVIOUS THAT I CAN'T STAND IT!
Very nice!

CLHAJNAL said...

Duuuuude!! I totally love your space!!! It really rocks, I just came accross your blog on another site, but I am already a big follower of your blog.


Becky said...

I love seeing other gals craft spaces! I currently "share" my space with my husband, so it isn't as girly as I would like it to be. When our girls were little and space and time were very limited, my sweet husband set up a table in the corner of our bedroom so I could stamp and scrap in peace- I lived for nap time! He says it was the best thing he ever did for our marriage! :)