
Monday, December 15, 2008

Thinking of You ~ Groovy Angel

For today's card I used one of the new Angel stamps from Susana's Custom Art & Card Design and I have to say that this image is so sweet and I enjoyed making a card with her. I started out by stamping this Angel image twice then colored just the legs on one image and all but the legs on the other. Then I used my circle Nesties and cut and embossed the full colored image and trimmed the legs and attached them from the other image. After assembling my card I added crystal effects to her eyes, Gold Spica glitter pen in her hair, Clear Spica pen on her dress and flowers and dazzling diamonds on her wings and a yellow gem in the center of the flower on top of her head. She really is very glittery IRL and looks so dreamy staring off into the distance.

Supplies: Groovy Angel, Warm Regards -SU, Nesties, Basic Grey designer paper, Ribbon, Cuttlebug embossing, Spica glitter pens, dazzling diamonds, crystal effects, Copics - Face:E00, E21, R20, Dress: RV10, R83, R85, Hair: Y11, Y15, YR23, Flowers: B21, B23, Y11, Y17, YG95, Out line: B000, T0. Colors: Brocade Blue, Regal Rose, So Saffron, Whisper White.
I'm just about ready to leave the door for a doctor appointment because I've been putting off going even though I know I have an ear infection. Today I woke up feeling like I was under water with more achy pain so I guess its time to go in.
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Gorgeous Lynn!! What a beautiful image!!

  2. Lynn your card is super cute! You did a fab job, and I love how you have her legs coming off of the circle! :)
    Hope you are feeling better and the dr. gives you some meds to take away your ear pain!
    Hugs~ Kim

  3. Love the soft colors and feel to this. Great card!
    Feel better!

  4. I love your card!!!!You do a beautiful job coloring as always! you should teach a class to all your local gals!!hint, hint! hugs giflfriend, hope your feeling better soon!

  5. The image coordinates very well with the patterned paper.

  6. What a pretty card! I hope you feel better soon!

  7. Wow! That's all I've got. Just wow! :)

  8. Hi Lynn,
    This card is off the charts good. I am a fan of double stamping and you did a seamless job! Great technique and the coloring is so vibrant in a fresh way it just pops!!!
    Hearts and Hugs
    Susana M

  9. My word, how stinkin cute is she? Love her! I always tried to figure out how to cut them out and keep their legs! Thanks for telling us. I love these colors and the floral is one of my all time favorite pieces of paper! She looks so fun! Now go rest and take care of yourself. You don't want to feel bad with the holidays right around the corner.

  10. Wow, this is gorgeous! Love the papers, the colors, everything! :)
    Hugs, Christine :)

  11. Ohhh beautiful, so soft and pretty! Lovely coloring!

  12. Wow! Love that image and love the card! :0)

  13. This is adorable, love the paper, your fabulous coloring, beautiful image........


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