
Friday, March 28, 2008

Cupcake Swaps

The other day I received my swaps from the cupcake swap I was in on splitcoast and let me just say I was so happy with the cards I got!
I had never done a swap on SCS so I didn't know what to expect but after getting my swaps and seeing how unique and fun each card was, I'd say it was a good experience. Above are the 3x3 cards and under those are the full cards, I hope the ladies who created these don't mind that I posted their cards on my blog, I just wanted to show them off.


  1. they turned out adorable!!!!Now comes the addiction!!!TFS

  2. Those are great! I just sent mine in for another cupcake swap and I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else did. Do you have any idea what they used for the poofy icing I see on a couple of cards?


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on my card or project, I appreciate it!