
Friday, March 28, 2008

Aaaaah Spring in Michigan......

This picture looking out the back of our house was taken last night at about 7:30pm when the snow really started to fly (see all the tulips and daffodils). The bird on the edge of the bird bath looked like he was frozen to the edge (poor thing), he didn't even move when I opened the door wall to take this picture. Hes probably thinking the same thing I am, were the heck is spring!


  1. Just popped over from SCS & brrr... it sure looks cold up your way! Hope spring gets there soon! Thanks for sharing your art~ very nice!

  2. Funny I took pics like this yesterday too and our power was out all day and night. Maybe I will post them later!

  3. In Northern Indiana we had rain, freezing rain, thunder, lightening, and then snow. I'm so ready for SPRING!!! :) Julie


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