
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sketch for You To Try - Kind Thanks

The card for today is a thank you card that I created using Jen's Sketch for You to Try, the colors I used are pastels which I don't normally use when making cards but I guess its a nice change. I used the Sale-A-Bration stamp set Polka Dot Punches, matching Delicate Dots designer paper and Certainly Celery twill ribbon. The butterfly is from the stamp set Flight of the Butterfly and was added after the whole card was together because my DD said it looked plain and needed something. I'm not sure the butterfly was what it needed but it did give some dimension. Everything on the card is SU other than the oval that was cut out using my Nestabilities die.
Supplies: Polka Dot Punches, Flight of the Butterfly, Thank You Kindly, Delicate Dots DSP, Twill ribbon, Nesties, Heart punch, Top Note die, Pop dots. Colors: Certainly Celery, So Saffron, Bashful Blue, Whisper White.


  1. Pretty, I like how you did the ribbon...I rarely do pastels either, but love the colors.

  2. That's just beautiful! I have the Top Note die but haven't used it yet. I love what you did with it!

  3. I think the butterfly is a fabulous addition. Very pretty. I don't usually go for the pastels either but I think I will have to try it.

  4. Gorgeous card ,fabulous colours and use of the sketch ,love it ,hugs Dawnxx

  5. Love how simple and pretty this is Lynn!!

  6. I am loving everything you did with this card....I am glad to see someone else listens to their DD also when it comes to cards. Mine always has such good insight even at 10 years old....

  7. Fabulous card Lynn!! Love the colors together and the Top Note dies looks awesome!!

    Hugs, Kelly

  8. I love the card. So beautiful! The colors are calming too.

  9. I don't tend to do pastels, but this is beautiful. I LOVE the "stitching" and the patterned paper and really everything about it. Great job sis!

  10. I can't believe I JUST FOUND your web site !!!!!! It is just wonderful. Thanks for sharing :) I think I am now inspired to get some copics and give them a try.

  11. Pretty - brings on thoughts of spring!

  12. This is beautiful Lynn! Love everything, especially the butterfly and the way you did the ribbon!

  13. I like the fresh spring colors. Neat combo of shapes too. Love the butterfly embellishment.

  14. I like the fresh spring colors. Neat combo of shapes too. Love the butterfly embellishment.

  15. Very pretty take on the sketch. Makes me think spring - ahhhhhhh!

  16. LOVE this! The ribbon, the butterfly, all of it!

  17. WOWZAS-this is gorgeous!! Thanks for playing! Hugs-jd

  18. This is very pretty! I love the colors and your take on the sketch!

  19. So cute! I love the spring colors, and a great take on the SFYTT challenge... You nailed it! I just recieved my SAB set... now I can play... He! TFS!!


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